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The Book

God’s Plan for Growing the Christian Church

I began writing this book without having any preconceived idea of the plan. My mind was a blank slate to begin with. When I read the Scriptures, my mind automatically categorized them into ideas or patterns of thought, which helped me see the big picture systematically. I placed these Scriptures into categories that helped me analyze them until I could see a unifying pattern. In the case of this book, I called this pattern God’s Plan for Growing the Christian Church.
What is God’s plan? It is the principles that Jesus taught in the Bible. These principles, when combined with prayer and the  work of the Holy Spirit, bring success whenever they are tried. Chuck organizes these principles in a way which makes it easier to understand the plan and obey it.
The book is based upon a systematic, verse by verse, study of the Bible books: Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John. It reveals God’s plan for reproductive evangelism and discipleship which leads to exponential church growth.


Book Excerpt
